Commission Holds Stakeholder Validation for Draft Model Access to Information Law for County Governments

The Commission on Monday 24th February 2020, conducted a stakeholders’ validation for the Draft Specimen Model Law on Access to Information for the County Governments. The event which brought together county Information Access Officers(IAO), county executives, private sector, civil society and Ministries, Department and Agencies (MDAs), presented an opportunity for the stakeholders to share their…

NSSF benefits paid after two-year wait

A resident of Kisumu County was finally paid the benefits of his late father following the intervention of the Ombudsman. According to Mr. Michael Omollo, his late father, Mr. John Omollo, was a contributing member of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF). After his father’s demise, he applied to NSSF in May 2017 for the…

Former Senator paid pension contribution

A former nominated Senator was finally paid her pension contribution following the intervention of the Ombudsman. According to her, she applied to the Pensions Department for a refund of her pension contribution in August 2018 but there was a delay in processing the payment. This prompted her to seek the assistance of the Clerk of…

Pensions processed after 14 years’ wait

The Pensions Department is one of the public institutions most complained against to the Ombudsman. This is because many retirees and beneficiaries undergo too much suffering owing to undue delay in the processing and payment of their benefits. This is the story of a former teacher who can now enjoy his pension benefits after a…

Couple’s agonizing search for truth

When his wife went to the delivery theatre at the Pumwani Hospital, Mr. Daniel Karue did not expect that the excitement would soon turn into physical, mental and psychological anguish for the next two years. According to Mr. Karue, his wife, Ms. Consolata Mumbi, delivered on 21st January 2018 through caesarian section at the Pumwani…