A man with disability is finally enjoying tax exemption after a two-year wait. Anthony Irungu filed a complaint with the Commission on the failure by his employer to issue an introduction letter required by the Kenya Revenue Authority(KRA)to enable him enjoy tax exemption incentive.
Mr. Irungusaid he was diagnosed with chronic suppurative otitis mediawhile working as a Social Development Assistant with Murang’a Social Development Office under the Ministry of East African Community, Labour and Social Protection. His condition got worse following an injury on his left ear that left him with acute tinnitus and chronic ear pain. The condition affected his hearing ability and impacted his performance at work. Further medical tests at the Kenyatta National Hospital revealedhe hadhearing losson the left ear.
Mr. Irungu was subsequently advised to register as a person with disability with the National Council for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) which he did on 31st August 2017. One month later, he applied for tax exemption to KRA in line with to the Persons with Disabilities (Income Tax Deductions and Exemptions) Regulations 2010. However, KRA advised him to get an introduction letter from his employer, the Ministry, stating the nature of his disability and the effect on his productivity at the work place. He put his request to the Human Resource Manager in the Ministry through the County Director for Social Services, Muranga but eight months later his request had not been acted on prompting him to lodge a complaint with the Commission.
The Commission by way of inquiry took up the matter with the Principal Secretary, State Department for Social Protection. The Ministry through the Director for Social Development picked up the issue with the County Director for Social Services, Muranga who provided the report required by KRA. The same information was corroborated by Murang’a Huduma Center Manager where Mr. Irungu is currently based.
Mr. Irungu has since confirmed that KRA is in receipt of his application and that the Authority is forwarding the same to the concerned body for processing.